Friday, October 30, 2009

Literary criticism 3

II. Structuralism, culture and texts
1. Structuralism enables both the reading of texts and the reading of cultures: through semiotics, structuralism leads us to see everything as 'textual', that is, composed of signs, governed by conventions of meaning, ordered according to a pattern of relationships.
2. Structuralism enables us to approach texts historically or trans-culturally in a disciplined way. Whenever we have to look more objectively, when we are transversing barriers of time, say, or of culture or interest, then the structural method, the search for principles of order, coherence and meaning, become dominant.
3. This sort of study opens up for serious cultural analysis texts which had hitherto been closed to such study because they did not conform to the rules of literature, hence were not literature but 'popular writing' or 'private writing' or 'history' and so forth. When the rules of literary meaning are seen as just another set of rules for a signifying arena of a culture, then literature loses some aspects of its privileged status, but gains in the strength and cogency of its relationship to other areas of signification. Hence literary study has expanded to the study of textuality, popular writing has been opened up to serious study, and the grounds for the relationship between the meaning-conventions of literature and the way in which a culture imagines reality have been set, and we can speak more clearly of the relation of literary to cultural (or, 'human', or 'every-day') meanings.
4. As everything that can be known, can be known by virtue of its belonging to a signifying system, then everything can be spoken of as being textual.
All documents can be studied as texts -- for instance, history or sociology can be analyzed the way literature can be.
All of culture can be studied as text. Anthropology, among other fields, is revolutionized through ethnography; qualitative rather than quantitative study becomes more and more the norm in many areas of social science.
Belief-systems can be studied textually and their role in constructing the nature of the self understood.
5. Consequently much greater attention is paid to the nature of language-use in culture. Language-use relating to various social topics or areas of engagement has become known as "discourse." Although "discourse" is a term more prevalent in post-structuralist thinking, it is of its nature a structuralist development.

Binary oppositions:
A structuralist term used to describe the differential nature of any signifying system. Binary oppositions are not facts or substances that have detectable positive qualities, but relational elements that are detectable only by virtue of their difference from other elements intrinsic to the system itself. Thus individual terms acquire meaning only by being cast in opposition to other terms within a system of arbitrary and conventional signs.

1 comment:

    Is an intellectual movement which began In France In the “ 1950 “And Is First Seen In The Work Of The Anthropologist (LEVI- STRAUSS )and The Literary critic (ROLAND BARTHES )View literature as a system of signs .
    (LEVI –STRAUSS and ROLAND BATHES )are responsible for introducing the main basic for introducing the main basic for structuralism .
    They do believe :
    1-meaning is always outside .
    2-They are not interested in each single word .
    3-You would have study the word by comparing it by other words in a large context.
    4-Thy have a large context .
    5-Thy are interested in the environment .
    6-Thy are interested in the external world ,experience ,practice(practical world ).
    7-It is related to mental recognition .
    8-Putting words together (logically) and comparing and understanding them .

    After this points (I wont to tell you some thing

    Structuralisim as chicken and Humanist as eggs.
    1-For structuralisim as chicken : that because structuralisim is the most important activity while for the liberal humanists the close analysis of the egg is paramount .
    In other way chicken is refer to { big category } and {a general system } and {parol is small}
    “Parol”is the verbal use of language (drama ; fiction )
    2- structuralisim as chicken because it focouse on the all details.

    STRUCTURALISIM people choice of world depend on a large context .
    How words are structured ?
    I live in a room
    a house
    a mansion
    What is ahouse ?
    You have to know the meaning of this word by comparing it by others words .
    House is bigger than aroom and smaller than amansion .
